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Home / Research/ About Our Research/ Team 2 Projects

Population-level and systems-based solutions are required for primary (prevention of infection), secondary (early recognition and treatment) and tertiary (in-hospital and post-hospital) management of sepsis. Team 2 will improve sepsis awareness and surveillance across Canada. Project 6 will improve pre-hospital recognition and post-hospital management of sepsis through a national knowledge translation campaign. The knowledge translation campaign will educate and inform the public and healthcare providers about sepsis, optimize detection and early treatment and enhance the functional recovery of patients with sepsis by recognizing and addressing the sequelae of their acute illness. This campaign is designed to be scaled and maintained, integrating scientific excellence with participation from patients, family members, clinicians, health system delivery organizations and non-governmental organizations. Project 7 will identify barriers and facilitators for improving early recognition and management of sepsis among paramedics and in Canadian EDs to design and evaluate knowledge translation interventions and test a bundle of care relevant for these health professionals.


Team 2 Leads/Mentors

 Jeanna + Parsons Leigh Dr.   Jeanna Parsons Leigh Dalhousie University 
Alix + Carter Dr. Alix Carter Dalhousie University 
Kirsten + Fiest Dr. Kirsten Fiest University of Calgary
Blair + Bigham Dr. Blair Bigham Stanford University 
Patricia + Fontela Dr. Patricia Fontela McGill University
Bram  + Rochwerg Dr. Bram Rochwerg McMaster University