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Mitacs/Sepsis Canada Student Awards Competition

Sepsis Canada and Mitacs have partnered together to fund a Student Awards Competition. The purpose of these awards is to encourage Sepsis Canada students and professors to form relationships with partner organizations, through a paid internship for students at partner organizations. The paid internship will allow students to apply their skills and knowledge in a non-academic environment and broaden their professional network. Paid internships must be formed via the Mitacs Accelerate program. Sepsis Canada will provide up to $5,000 in top-up funding to applicants who submit a successful Letter of Intent to Sepsis Canada and subsequently provide proof of a successful Mitacs Accelerate application.

UPDATE: We have extended the Mitacs / Sepsis Canada student awards competition deadline to February 28, 2022 (originally January 31, 2022). We recognize that the pandemic has had an impact on everyone’s lives and want to give our research community extra breathing room to submit their applications.

For a limited time - if applicants’ partner with a not-for-profit or a company that is a small to medium enterprise (under 500 employees), Mitacs will provide a 3:1 leveraging ratio, as opposed to the usual 1:1 ratio. This means that to qualify for this opportunity, funding from a not-for-profit or small to medium enterprise only needs to start at $3,750, and Mitacs will match the partner organization's contribution at a 3:1 ratio and contribute $11,250. With Sepsis Canada’s $5,000 top up’s, partner organizations will get tremendous value for their investments in interns. Please contact Ryan Caldwell ( Director, Business Development, Mitacs) for more information about this leveraging opportunity.

Teams must develop a research project that advances one or more of the following focus areas: 

  • Understanding the causes of sepsis
  • Improving the prevention of sepsis
  • Improving the detection and/or identification of sepsis
  • Improving the management of sepsis
  • Improving rehabilitation from sepsis

Sepsis Canada will top-up eight (8) successful letter of intent applications with up to $5,000 in funding per application. Top-up funding will be awarded to the supervising professor’s institution. Top up funds will be reserved as follows: 

  • $10,000 will be reserved for two (2) projects focused on biomedical research
  • $10,000 will be reserved for two (2) projects focused on clinical research
  • $10,000 will be reserved for two (2) projects focused on health services research
  • $10,000 will be reserved for two (2) projects focused on population health research

The full program guidelines are available here. 

The letter of intent application form is available here.

Please submit your application to

Deadline: CLOSED