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The International Senior Advisory Board is chaired by a Canadian Clinician Scientist and includes national and international scientists with expertise and experience in sepsis care and research. The Board’s role is to advise and guide the Executive Committee by reviewing annual progress reports, providing independent and objective review of scientific and strategic priorities, and providing feedback on the Network’s overall performance.


  • Dr. John Marshall, University of Toronto (Chair)
  • Dr. Sean Bagshaw, University of Alberta
  • Dr. Lennie Derde, UMC Utrecht
  • Dr. Christopher (Chip) Doig, University of Calgary
  • Dr. Flavia Machado, Universidade Federal de Sao Paulo
  • Dr. John Myburgh, University of New South Wales Australia
  • Dr. Kathy Rowan, Intensive Care National Audit and Research Centre
  • Dr. Hannah Wunsch, University of Toronto
  • Dr. Manu Shankar-Hari, University of Edinburgh

The International Senior Advisory Board Terms of Reference are currently being finalized and will be made publicly available soon.

The Executive Committee is responsible for day-to-day operations and decision making within Sepsis Canada. Additionally, the Executive Committee works closely with the Steering committee on reviewing and recommending the approval and funding of research priorities and projects, overseeing management of finances and partnership development, and making recommendations on project performance, funding adjustments and risk mitigation strategies.


  • Dr. Alison Fox-Robichaud (Scientific Director)
  • Dr. Osama Loubani (Co-Scientific Director)
  • Dr. Saad Salim (Managing Director)

Executive Committee Terms of Reference

To reach members of the Executive Committee, please email salims@mcmaster.ca.

The Steering Committee is comprised of all members of the Executive Committee, selected members from our network teams, senior and early career researchers within the Canadian scientific sepsis community and patient partners. The Steering Committee is responsible for approving and monitoring performance indicators, the allocation of funds, annual operating plans, and partnerships, and setting and monitoring the overall scientific direction of the network. The Committee helps ensure cohesion within the networks as well as with various communities and professional societies.


  • Dr. Alix Carter (Dalhousie)
  • Dr. Deborah Cook (McMaster)
  • Dr. Brian Cuthbertson (U Toronto)
  • Dr. Kirsten Fiest (U Calgary)
  • Dr. Robert Fowler (U Toronto)
  • Dr. Alison Fox-Robichaud (McMaster)
  • Dr. Bob Hancock (UBC)
  • Dr. Hertzel Gerstein (McMaster)
  • Dr. Michelle Kho (McMaster)
  • Dr. (Tex) Niranjan Kissoon (UBC)
  • Dr. Manoj Lalu (U Ottawa)
  • Dr. François Lamontagne (U Sherbrooke)
  • Dr. Aleksandra Leligdowicz (Western)
  • Dr. Patricia Liaw (McMaster)
  • Dr. Osama Loubani (Dalhousie)
  • Dr. Kusum Menon (U Ottawa)
  • Dr. Jeanna Parsons Leigh (Dalhousie)
  • Dr. Kednapa Thavorn (U Ottawa)
  • Christine Caron (Chair of Sepsis Canada Patient Advisory Council)


  • Jutamas Saoraya (U Toronto)
  • Fatima Sheikh (McMaster)

Steering Committee Terms of Reference

The Grant and Manuscripts Committee is made up of a chair, co-chair, and all Sepsis Canada members. The chair and co-chair of the Grants and Manuscripts Committee coordinate the intake of grants and manuscripts, assign Sepsis Canada members to review the grants and manuscripts and communicate results from the review to the research team. The committee is integral to the endorsement of grants and manuscripts by Sepsis Canada.


  • Dr. Edmund Tan - Chair (Dalhousie)
  • Dr. Lauralyn Mcintyre – Co-chair (U Ottawa)

If you are looking for support for an upcoming grant from Sepsis Canada, please review the Grants and Manuscripts Terms of Reference.

If you are looking for endorsement of your manuscript by Sepsis Canada, please review the Grants and Manuscripts Terms of Reference.

The Communications Team is responsible for sharing network activities via our monthly newsletter, social media platforms and press releases. Members of the communication team work closely with the Communications Committee, network investigators and partners, and the Sepsis Canada Executive Committee to ensure timely and appropriate dissemination of research and other activities.


  • Fatima Sheikh, Communications Assistant