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What is sepsis?

Sepsis is a life-threatening response to infection that affects millions worldwide and can lead to severe health complications, long-term impacts, or death. Despite this, sepsis remains challenging to identify and treat effectively, highlighting the need for continued action and research.

 Learn more about sepsis


Who are we?

Sepsis Canada was established to address these urgent needs. Supported by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research, our network unites experts to understand sepsis causes, improve detection and treatment methods, and enhance patient recovery. Through collaborative projects, we advance sepsis research and make a lasting impact on the lives of Canadians.

Learn more about us



Why do we do it?

An estimated 48.9 million cases of sepsis and 11 million sepsis-related deaths were reported worldwide. This represents almost 20% of all global deaths.1  Additionally, it is estimated that sepsis costs Canadians $1.7B annually.2

If sepsis is not recognized early, it can lead to septic shock, organ failure and death. Our goal is to reduce the burden of sepsis for patients and families in Canada by better understanding the causes and improving the prevention, detection and management of sepsis.


“An infection in my finger didn’t get the right and timely treatment. As a result I experienced a life changing, near death experience. As a patient partner with Sepsis Canada I do what I can to assist sepsis survivors and medical researchers who are working tirelessly to find solutions to the sepsis challenges.”

Mac Horsburgh

 Sepsis Survivor & Sepsis Canada Patient Advisor

(pictured left)

Patient Partners